Latest Novel and Short Story Release October 21, 2011

Novel Release: Romantic Fantasy

Second Spring – Karen L. McKee

In this reimagining of Persephone’s myth, a modern day ranching community retains its worship of ancient rites. At age eleven those rites bound Letha Rivers to Shelter Lake as the consort of Spring. Now in her twenties she yearns to be free, but Spring itself and the people of the valley conspire to hold her in the valley. Can she use the return of the valley’s prodigal son as a means of escape, or will falling in love entwine her deeper into an unwanted life? If she leaves will Spring return, or will the valley she both loves and hates wither and die under eternal winter?

Available in print and for e-formats at Smashwords and for Kindle.

New Short Fiction: Contemporary Fantasy

Bees in the Morning – Karen L. Abrahamson

Samuel Benson’s life changed the day he found his best bee hive destroyed. When the creatures who have taken over attack him, he thinks he might be losing his mind. After all, they look suspiciously like fairies.

Available on Smashwords and for Kindle.

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