Latest Novel Release September 19, 2011

The Cartographer’s Daughter

Romance, adventure, a courageous heroine—and one of the coolest fantasy concepts you’ll ever see. THE CARTOGRAPHER’S DAUGHTER is an epic tale of a young woman with the power to destroy or create, simply by redrawing the map of the world. Lianna’s story will sweep you away to a world you’ve never experienced before—and one that might disappear before your very eyes.”

Robin Brande, Author of Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature; Fat Cat; Doggirl; and The Parallel series.

In 1432 Portugal, Lianna Reinel lives with her Aunt and Uncle in a small secret enclave of magical beings called Cartos. Long ago the Cartos race held dominion over the earth and could rewrite it at will. Their arrogance led to a cataclysm, the end of all things, and the human racial memory of demons. It also led to a Cartos Edict against the use of their magick.

Lianna’s forbidden love for a human boy, Gil Eannes, and the arrival of Prince Henrique of Portugal who needs an alliance with Lianna’s uncle to finance a holy war, leads to Gil’s banishment on a deadly journey to the actual end of the earth. Forced to choose between her love or obedience, Lianna wakens old magick and then must face the consequences: Fire. Water. Pestilence.

And lost love.

Coming soon in print. Currently Available on Smashwords and for Kindle.

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